Paris Marchant, | Founder, Owner & Creative Director of Outcast


A conversation with Outcast founder & Creative Director Paris Marchant on the power of perseverance, openness, and authenticity as a guiding light to pursue your vision.

Tell us about a time when you felt like your voice wasn't being heard at work. How did you handle it, and who helped you get through it?

Starting Outcast as a young woman in a predominantly male industry presented its own set of challenges. I distinctly remember times when my ideas were met with skepticism or outright dismissal simply because of my age and gender. During those moments, having a supportive team was crucial. [My partner] Lawrence, in particular, was my rock—he always provided the reassurance and constructive feedback I needed. Our close-knit team also played a huge role in boosting my confidence and keeping me grounded. They believed in our vision as much as I did, which made all the difference.

Staying true to our vision was key. Even when it felt like others weren’t taking us seriously, I learned that the right people would eventually recognize and support our authenticity and commitment. Perseverance and having a solid support system can really push you through even the toughest of challenges.

How did you build your support network? Who's been there for you when things got tough?

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals is so important! I’ve made it a point to connect with people who have been through similar journeys, whether that’s through industry events or just reaching out directly. Some of my best mentors were actually introduced through friends and colleagues who believed in our vision. They’ve given me so much advice and support, and having that network has made a huge difference. I find the most support and inspiration from our in-house team, who are like a family, and we all back each other up, which is so empowering. 

What are ways that companies can make sure everyone feels welcome and included at work?

Open communication is everything when it comes to building an inclusive work environment. For me, it’s all about creating a space where everyone feels comfortable speaking up. That means not just sharing your own ideas but really listening to others and valuing their input. We make it a point to have regular team meetings where everyone can share their thoughts and feedback. It’s about fostering a culture where every voice is heard and respected, and where people feel like they can be their true selves.

What advice would you give a young woman starting her career? What have you learned about using your voice effectively?

I want other women to know that resilience and self-belief are incredibly powerful. My journey from dealing with personal struggles to building Outcast into what it is today shows that with passion and perseverance, you can overcome a lot of obstacles. Embrace your journey, trust in your abilities, and don’t be afraid to go after your dreams with everything you’ve got. I hope my story inspires others to believe in themselves and to support each other along the way.

Staying true to our vision was key. Even when it felt like others weren’t taking us seriously, I learned that the right people would eventually recognize and support our authenticity and commitment.
— Paris Marchant, | Founder, Owner & Creative Director of Outcast

About Paris

Paris Marchant, 25, and Lawrence Lees, 28, founded Outcast Clothing in 2015. In a true rags-to-riches story, the self-taught Australian couple, who started the brand selling bikinis out of their one-bedroom apartment, quickly turned the small venture into a globally recognized, multi-million-dollar brand.

Now entering its 9th year, Outcast has expanded its team to over 60 in Australia and the U.S. Though across different departments, they are united in the same purpose, vision, and passion—truly loving what they do. As a female-dominated company, Paris & Lawrence have prioritized empathy, fostering a tight-knit ‘people-first’ work culture and staying heavily involved in every aspect of the business. Whether it’s reading customer feedback, shooting e-commerce, or collaborating on designs, their passion and gratitude for how far they’ve come ring through all elements of the business. As founders, they operate from a place of abundance, trusting their teams to take risks, learn, and evolve as the business grows.



Dhayana Alejandrina | Poet, Speaker, & Creative Mentor