

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), women are twice as likely as men to suffer from mental health disorders. These widening disparities are holding them back from fully engaging in life — with themselves, their careers, and their communities.

Our work amplifies advocacy for women’s mental health by activating public support for change at the cultural and community level.

By taking action on what WHO calls upon — that "every effort must be made to increase women's control over the determinants of their mental health", we can positively impact our human potential and build a better tomorrow.


SeekHer Foundation was first ignited within the social enterprise WellSeek as a charitable advocacy project to amplify our public commitment to power more women in our workplaces and communities. Since 2021, we have partnered with advocates and allied brands & organizations to bridge the gender gap of mental health and shift cultural norms holding women back from their well-being and success. At the heart of our work is a commitment to wellness and equity in order to build a better, healthier and more inclusive world that will truly ‘hear her’.

Here’s how our programs and initiatives made a collective impact in 2023.

  • $427,950

    deployed grants through partnerships & provided equitable compensation for our community of experts, practitioners, and women leaders

  • 406,000+

    individuals reached and engaged with our women’s wellness resources & social content to support their journey of redefining health, beauty, identity in our modern world

  • 53,000+

    community care members, advocates and allies united through online conversations & community support spaces focused on self-advocacy & women’s mental health

download our
Impact Reports

"SeekHer is doing exactly the type of work we need to see in the real world, and shift the narrative to elevate women's voices on what matters to them — not what society tells them to value. "

— Dr. Jen Douglas, Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine


Amplifying Advocacy For Women's Mental Health

We believe in the collective power of women — because when we join forces, big shifts can happen. Our work is centered around raising awareness of the social issues impacting women's mental health and amplifying support for local leaders who are bridging those gaps in their communities. Here's how.


Advocacy Campaigns & Research

In partnership with our advocates and allied brands, we ignite meaningful conversations around women's mental health to redefine what health, beauty, and identity mean in our modern world. Our social impact campaigns and survey research activate data-driven awareness on women’s mental health so we can advocate for a better world — one where girls & women are empowered by an equalized society that wants us to thrive.


Investing in Women-Led Communities

We are committed to elevating women through safe community spaces, funding opportunities, and mentorship programs that create cultural shifts at the intersection of wellness and equity. By bringing together an ecosystem of advocates, women-led community-based organizations (CBOs), and the allies pledging to support them, we are amplifying high-impact, sustainable solutions that help more women lead and live.