Communications Toolkit

Your participation in #WeHearHer can help create a space where women’s voices are heard and valued. Discover actionable resources below to spark meaningful conversations and drive positive change.

Shed Her Silence. Thrive Together.

In honor of Women’s Equality Day, #WeHearHer Conversation Week is challenging the culture of silence that isolates women in the workplace. Join our growing coalition of over 400 individuals and organizations advocating for women’s mental health.

From August 26-30, let's unite to empower women to shed her silence in the workplace.

By fostering open communication, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone. Here's how you can take action and activate these conversations.

  • Help us spread the word! Visit SeekHer's Instagram and LinkedIn pages throughout Conversation Week to raise awareness.

    • Repost SeekHer's posts and share them with your network to spark conversations on the hidden cost of silence for women in the workplace.

    • Download our graphics and share them on your own platform to raise awareness.

    • Create your own graphics inspired by the statistics shown on our #WeHearHer campaign page. If you are making your own graphics, feel free to use these logo assets.

  • Join the conversation! Share your experiences on Instagram and LinkedIn using the #WeHearHer hashtag.

    • Tag @seekherorg or add SeekHer as a collaborator on your #WeHearHer IG post. All tags or collaborator requests will be amplified in our stories!

    • Use our graphic template or create a video using the prompt: "When I Am Heard, I Reclaim..."

    • Gather multiple responses from your team members and share a carousel of their answers. Don't forget to use #WeHearHer so we can amplify your voice! Here are some ideas to get you started:

      • A seat at the decision-making table

      • My ideas and expertise

      • The respect I deserve

      • A work environment free from bias

      • A sense of belonging

      • The power to create positive change (for myself or others)

      • My right to work-life balance

      • The opportunity for advancement

      • A culture of open communication

      • My mental and emotional well-being

      • Trust in myself and others

  • RSVP and invite your network to SeekHer's #WeHearHer Circles event, "Shed the Silence to Power Progress."

    Participate in our dynamic roundtable to unlock the power of open communication and accelerate gender equality.

  • Here are some ideas to engage your company with #WeHearHer:

    • Register your company as a Corporate Chapter to host #WeHearHer Conversation Circles focused on open communication, inclusion, and women’s well-being.

    • Start a Give Back campaign by encouraging your employer to match employee donations to SeekHer Foundation during #WeHearHer Conversation Week.

    • Host a #WeHearHer Wellness Break: Organize a short, rejuvenating session for colleagues to unwind, recharge, and connect with one another.

    Share your company’s efforts with us! Be sure to tag us on SeekHer's Instagram and LinkedIn, and use #WeHearHer to inspire others.

  • DO'S

    • Share your involvement: "I'm joining forces with SeekHer Foundation to break the culture of silence surrounding women's workplace challenges. Together, we're creating a supportive environment where women are heard and valued. #WeHearHer"

    • Empower women: Encourage women to share their experiences when they feel ready and comfortable.

    • Foster open dialogue: Create safe spaces for honest conversations about workplace challenges, inspiring organizations to host similar dialogues.

    • Highlight resources: Share information about available support systems, communities, and mental health resources.

    • Amplify women's voices: Share stories of resilience and strength, inspiring others to overcome challenges and achieve career goals.

    • Inspire action: Encourage women to prioritize work-life balance and well-being.


    • Overgeneralize experiences: Recognize the diversity of women's experiences and avoid broad assumptions.

    • Focus solely on challenges: Balance discussions of challenges with stories of resilience and success.

    • Ignore systemic factors: Acknowledge the impact of broader societal issues on women's workplace experiences.

    • Reinforce harmful stereotypes: Promote inclusivity and challenge negative perceptions.

    • Overlook positive outcomes: Celebrate women's achievements and contributions.


    • Share diverse perspectives: Highlight experiences from women of different backgrounds.

    • Focus on solutions: Showcase strategies for overcoming obstacles.

    • Promote work-life balance: Emphasize the importance of self-care.

    • Inspire hope: Share stories of resilience and triumph.

    • Create a supportive community: Foster a sense of belonging and connection.



Ready To Get Involved?

Learn how you can partner with us to champion women in the workplace.